Bumjuggin 2008 MVP: "Crazy Judge" Doyle Gammill



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Gammill named award recipient for lifetime commitment to music

The evidence is in: There's nobody in Lubbock like Doyle Gammill.

"Doyle is one of those individuals you probably meet once in a lifetime," said Wayne Havens, Lubbock Independent School District superintendent.

"He's just outgoing; he has an interest in success of kids like none other. I think that translated over to his success in our district with all of the programs he was involved with."

Gammill, an administrator who long served the cause of band music at LISD and in so-called retirement now works as the 72nd District Court bailiff with Judge Ruben G. Reyes, has been chosen as the 2007 recipient of the William D. Kerns Award for the Performing Arts.

"Every day was Disney World with Doyle. He will make you feel good, he will make you see the bright side of stuff." [ Full Story ]